Saturday, August 19, 2017

Still Here...

Yes, I'm still here despite bumps in the road--like a 9-day severe heat wave (if only the temperature would drop to 90°!). In addition, the internet has been down for over a week, so I had to find a temporary solution. Amazing how attached we become to that magic box...

However, over all it has been an excellent summer. The Little People (who can now look me in the eye, not so little anymore) have come and gone, leaving an empty house. I have been cleaning up my studio, trying to keep up with my "Circus in D.C." journal. It would seem that those people don't believe in vacations.

I was thinking of doing a small sketch on fabric when I ran across my standing calendar. The rules I set for myself were simple--Be fast: no stitching, only glue, fabric and maybe pen or Inktense pencils.

I sketched several trees seen from my window, after gluing on fabrics. The calendar has a spot in my living room.

Gee, that was fast and fun!

Hope you've had a creative and exciting summer, too! 


Ms. said...

I'm GLAD you're still here :-->
Love that 'quick' piece. Since stitching has become a problem with my arthritic thum joint, it's a perfect solution for me.

Julie Fukuda said...

Yes, the coming and going of "little people" ... but this year I was one of those going and coming. I always love the possibilities of throwing in a bit of creativity ... Nice!

O'Quilts said...

Always nice to have you check in once in awhile..xo

The Idaho Beauty said...

You are always so clever with your ideas for quick art. Nice to have checking in so we don't worry too much about you. :-)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Hope the heat has broken for you and that you're enjoying somewhat cooler temps. And also hope the computer woes are at an end!

Jodi said...

lovely trees! and I would love to see more of that quilt hanging on your wall in the last picture :-)