On Birthdays and Bartering
Sometimes one must outdo oneself when it comes to planning birthday parties for grandkids. It's not that a party has to be more expensive or bigger and better. It's rather that an interesting touch is required, something different that becomes memorable, legendary even.
I had been racking my brains for weeks while I stitched away on White. Friends would follow along and comment over on MulticoloredSnippets, watching my s-l-o-w stitching progress. When I announced that I was going to slice White, there was an uproar and I could tell that one friend in particular might like this piece--intact, that is.
This got me to thinking...she made something that I really wanted and that I had no intention of learning how to do. So I called her for a little bartering session and she was amenable to my proposal.

I finished White (28"x15"/71cm x 38cm).
My friend intends to hang it between glass (fine by me, it's a dusty country) with a light behind it. And I know that she will give it a good home.
In return, the double birthday party for GD1 (first granddaughter, now 11 years old) and my daughter was a smashing success--thanks to my friend's creation.
Yup. A topsy-turvy cake that cannot be gotten anyplace in Tunisia. I told her to decorate it however she wanted (with an 11-year-old in mind)--just dazzle me.
And dazzled I was. She hand made all the butterflies and flowers and spent more time on this cake than she had on any other. Everyone at the party was dazzled as well and nobody wanted to cut into the cake. However, the birthday girls finally did the job and we all admired the construction. Of course, it tasted divine.
My friend says she's getting the better deal. I say it was a fair deal because I couldn't have had this super-duper birthday party without that fancy cake--it was the legendary touch.
Oh what a good swap Nadia, you both got a great deal! so good to see the finished work with all the needle turning & those lovely French knots extending the lines are perfect. This piece is such a beauty it deserves framing!
wowee...you are the best grandmother ever...i bet that's what she's thinking.
SWEET, all the way around!
Just love the "White" piece, it is a beautifu work of art, and a great trade with that amazing cake!!! Love the topsy turvy look of the three layers too, wonderful creativity from the both of you!!!!
You both won I'd say! Just think of the memories your girls will have of that fabulous cake! And your friend will remember you each time she glances at White! It was an excellent barter! Have a great week, Nadia. xo Carole
Good deal all around.
Julie's right--a good deal all around! But I'm blaming you both for making me crave a piece of cake!
One good turn deserves another and brother you two took some fine, fine turns here!
Brilliant, Nadia! Barter is such a satisfying method of exchange. Bravo, and happy birthday to your girls! -sus
Both creations are wonderful--"White" and the fanciful cake. Thanks for sharing this fun story.
Perfect trade! Happy memories will abound!
What a wonderful trade! Both, pieces of art!
As the lucky recipient of White, I want to say that the pictures just do not do it justice. What a truly beautiful piece of art, and I will definitely cherish it and care for it well!
And Happy Birthday to the girls!
multt and mini
love the post!
Now, this is a birthday cake just for grandies and grannies. I love your whit piece. I am repeating myself.
Perfect! Both are such great creations! I love to barter too! Thanks for sharing!
SCORE!, as my children say. for both of you. What a beautiful, extraordinary cake in exchange for your beautiful, extraordinary artwork. The best of both worlds.
Nadia, such a 'cool' idea for a hot country! Its a marvelous idea and I love bartering too. I've traded all sorts of things for things I make. Lovely post :)
That is really sweet. I'm so happy for your granddaughter. The cake was beautiful - love the flowers. And your piece of art work will be bringing her joy.
That has to be one of the most SPLENDID cakes I have ever seen! I would like that for my own b-day party and I am quite a few decades past that youngster ;>]]
Really pleased to read that your white piece will be treasured *whole* ... also quite, quite splendid!
That's a great swap and you both got a great deal. Nadia, your piece is beautiful and placing in behind glass with the light shining through is a wonderful idea. The cake is like something out of Alice in Wonderland. Definitely a cake that will be remembered for a lifetime.
I would have had a hard time cutting into that cake. Your work is beautiful as usual and how nice that it found a deserving home.
Fantastic!!!! :)
Nadia! I love both the cake and the stitching! And I love the barter! And I love what you have done for your grandchild! Not only a great party, a great cake but shown a way to make things happen! All the best to you!
Che lavori meravigliosi, Nadia! Ti ammiro molto per l'arte che riesci a creare!
Best looking birthday cake I have ever seen !
'White' is stunning !
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