Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sitting in a Sidewalk Café in Tunis

It was a warm day so we met a friend in Tunis and sat in one of the sidewalk cafés on the main avenue where one finds a mixed crowd, both women and men clients. 

I whipped out my small journal and sketched for awhile.
I discreetly focused on a young man with his telephone, who was surrounded by numerous other young men doing the same thing. Sign of the times. 

Most cafés in Tunisia are male domaines. No woman in her right mind would go in. They are not particularly clean and are often filled with the unemployed. We jokingly call them Tunisia's "centres culturels." It would appear that it is the women who are out working and holding things together as best they can since the Revolution. 

A lot of wasted manpower there. 
What if they spent just a couple of hours a day picking up garbage? 

Tunisia is still on a slippery slope...


Julie Fukuda said...

Walking down the street near our church, you see a railing along the sidewalk and on it are perched like pigeons, guys peering at their cell phones. It must be the new normal.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

I wish with all my heart for a turning point, so that there is hope, an end to corruption and abuse, and people can feel they have something to live for and a useful purpose in life. I don't know how the world gets from here to there, but I wish it could come sooner rather than later. I agree that a little time each day pulling together and making the environment a better place would be a positive step.

shirley said...

It must be so discouraging to see such a waste. Is it anything to do with the male idea of keeping the women under the thumb and working while they reap the benefits and lead useless lives.

I really enjoyed seeing your sketches, they are very good. I wish my drawing was that good.

Janet M. Atwill said...

Well, if women were to be in charge, that would be a wonderful thing. Amazing sketches. I love the ways you mix genres. Hope everyone is well.

Adele Thomas said...

It is interesting that many times women do just get on with life when men find it hard to cope. I think that we must be strong so we can raise a family.

KhadijaTeri said...

I visited Tunis at the end of last month. We didn't see many tourists in Tunis, but there were some in Djerba. I'll be going back again in July, maybe we can have coffee in a sidewalk cafe?

Tammy said...

Nandas .. was your blog long ago when I was watching you and you were watching me and also Jude Hill who kept us longing for slow stitch. I was looking back on old posts on my blog and found your site THree Clay Pots and wondered what happened to you. I found you here!!! I will go to see what else you are doing.. time changes many things. And about this post. I had to laugh when I read it because it reminded me of the other day when I was getting gas. I car full of 20ish aged girls pulled up and I was looking in their direction as I filled my car. Each one was looking at their phone. No one was talking to the other as you might expect them to be doing because it was a beautiful sunny sunday afternoon. I had to laugh because three in the back seat and one in the front each looking at their phone. Then I thought sad. Not present..not with each other ...strange things these phones do. Ok .. good to see you were still around and writing and making art......I hope you are well. Tammy :)

rtquilter said...

Oh, Nadia! Slippery indeed! Are you safe today? I certainly hope so and hope your Granddaughters are safe too if they are with you. My thoughts and prayers are with you on this sad, frustrating day! Take care!!

arlee said...

hoping you are safe and far away from the troubles

Doris Perlhuhn said...

Nadia, I hope you all are safe. I think a lot about this terrible situation. Where will all this bring us. This thread hits all of us.

Pilgrim said...

Nadia, I have also thought of you and hope you are ok.

arlee said...

EVERYBODY: I just heard from Nadia, and she is safe and hoping to be home and blogging again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doris Perlhuhn said...

Thanks a lot Arlee for this information.

shirley said...

I have just found you again, and am enjoying your sketches..they are so good.