One white shirt
with a hole in a strategic place
and a pretty fabric
inspired an appliqué design that looked like a sea monster at first.
As they say, the proof is in the pudding--it's meant to be worn.
The owner of the shirt in front of a pomegranate tree.
Maybe it's a multi-headed sea monster or a plant from another planet? In any case, I'm certain there will be more appliqués added on because white is so treacherous.
I'm not sure this is the "Professional Look" students are expecting....ahhhhh, but now that I am old I can wear purple with a red hat.....
Linked to Nina Marie's "Off the Wall Friday".
That looks fabulous.
nice hat, too.
How awesome is that!
Or blue and teal with a yellow hat!! I like it so much better than red and purple. Great save!
It is purple - even if it isn`t. :-) Great!
How elegant! Great solution.
So wonderful!!! I would love to have that magic come out of my pocket :)
Beautiful as always!
Well done Nadia, its a real monster in blue!
I have some nice butterfly print and those butterflies have been known to leave their original fabric to cover up holes and stains on clothing
Phenomenal! If I poke a few holes in my shirt can I send it to you..... I would love this in my wardrobe
Wonderful to see it finished. Looks great.
I do love to save something, and I especially like saving it with something already in the house, so you know I love this a lot! It is really beautiful. Great job, Nadia!
I love it! You do beautiful work.
Oh, it is great - and I love orange and purple together - Love also the model"girl" in her hat!
Very nice, Nadia!
Doesn't look like a monster at all. It looks very Hawaiian or Polynesian. Very beautiful.
whatever it is, it is quite beautiful and appears to have grown right there!
This is stunning. I would wear it in a minute and I'm sure your students will think it's fabulous, too.
What are you teaching?
Thanks one and all for the appreciative comments. I'm teaching British Civilization and Literature to first year students (Freshmen) and the American version next semester...a busy year.
I love it - beautiful fabric and design - well executed. I would love to do the same to one of my shirts. It reminds me of a tree.
looks fab!~
Your work is so inspiring. Lovely hat too - Hugs Nat
Love the shirt! Good to hear you are teaching as planned. I'll be back in the classroom in Libya in a week or so (I'm not very excited about going back)..... holiday is nearly over for me and I have enjoyed it so. We went to the Cayman Islands and in the National Museum there they have an exquisite quilt made by some of the ladies there - appliqued fish and sealife that it embelished with beadwork - the effect is stunnning and it reminded me of you.
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