During an exhibition of my art quilts, someone noted that I had different
periods. Well, no. Rather, different strands of thought pervade my work and
keep coming forward. The strands intertwine, sometimes linked by technique, sometimes
by color, or sometimes by ideas. For example, the War and Revolution
theme persists, and connects to my strands of thought on social and
political comment. Counterbalancing these themes, another, more peaceful, strand
of thought concerns The Garden.
At the most basic level, The Garden
represents my own garden. As I am blessed to live on a small farm with a luxury
of space, my garden is large enough to contain a small pomegranate orchard,
which now sleeps. In the meantime, other plants put on a fanfare in the winter
It’s a good year for the jade plants. These 25-year-old plants have gone
wild with flowers that draw the bees.
Other succulents are getting ready to bloom, ready to burst forth.
New additions to the patio plant containers:
The cats got curious and pointed out that bloggers post pictures of their pets all the time. Ok, ok, I got it...
I adore succulents. When I lived in Seattle, they were a gorgeous and hardy standby. Sadly...I can't grow them in my current garden. Thank you for reminding me of how much I love them.
i've never seen such large jade plants and i've never had one that bloomed. beautiful. do you get cold weather where it would be a problem for them to be outside?
My you are fortunate indeed--I can't grow succulents here in NYC and expect them to survive a winter--although we are not having one yet. Although I grow "Autumn Joy" (a succulent that seems to thrive in the slightly protected space of the church plaza I do. I think I've mentioned how much I love your decorated pots. I do,
I love your garden and it makes me really hope to come by even for a short period of time to check it out! It has been an inspiration to all my friends who are 'stuck' in their jobs and running kids around and changing diapers! The cat is SO darn cute! Despite my allergies I can't wait to pet them! You noticed that your granddaughter, the artist, (skips a generation I think!) LOVES your blog! Thank you for the beautiful pictures! It makes me dream of having a garden one day!
Your jade plants are gorgeous! I've never seen a jade plant putting on such a spectacular display! Your pots are glorious! The cats look like they'd like to be on your blog more often! Have a great week.
The garden photos are lovely ! The cat is gorgeous too:-) our garden is very dry, and little is growing at the moment. There ARE snowdrops pushing through at the sunny front door but there is NO SNOW. Lovely blog. Very thoughtful !
Who's the kitty in the photo? Isn't she, or he, gorgeous!
Wow, those jade plants are amazing! Sadly, mine are there... not much more. Succulents and I have a few issues we need to work out still. On the positive note, I do think I am going to have two rosemary plants (what a heavenly scent) actually make it through the winter. That will be a first for me!
Ton jardin est magnifique avec toutes ces plantes que nous, nous devons garder à l'abri l'hiver... Gare aux oublis et aux gelées ! J'ai plusieurs "arbres de jade" dont le plus vieux a fleuri une seule fois, c'était une surprise merveilleuse ! J'ai offert beaucoup de plantes-bébé que j'ai fait grandir, ces Arbres de Jade deviennent des Arbres de l'Amitié. Ils le seraient encore plus avec des pots en mosaïque comme les tiens !!
Katell, Toulouse
I've never seen a jade plant in flower, what a wonderful display indeed!! Your other succulents are quite lovely, and the pots you have made are just perfect for them!!! Love the kitties too, very very cute!!!!
I have not had Jade plants flower so yours are a real eye opener and I have something to look forward to.
Happy New year to you, and I look forward to seeing more of your lovely work.
Your garden's lovely and your cats're smart :-)
I've never seen jade plants grow to that size. Gorgeous!
And yes, cats are that way. LOL
Oh, just lovely! My garden inspires my work, too. The work justifies the time & money spent in the garden ;)
Your garden is amazing my sweet friend..You are very smart organizer as well..
Lots of Love ~
Beautiful your garden, vases, and especially the succulents plants that like a lot from my two sons. I also varied the theme of my quilt, depending on my mood or my experiences, I am now working on an abstract series that I have not yet given a name.
Nadia,Thank you! for visiting my blog!
Your wintergarden is beautiful, Nadia!
Those succulents in the pots you worked on with the mosaic, look really gorgeous ! The differences in form of the leaves and the mosaic pieces work so well together !!!
Wow, gorgeous cat !
I love your garden! My kitties always lay down on whatever I've planted before it has a chance to grow. So my planters are always full of cats instead of plants. Your kitty looks precious.
Happy New Year! Thanks for sharing your garden, Nadia. Looks like So Cal and Tunisia have similar seasons..as I was just about to post about my garden here...stay tuned!
What a lovely garden! Thanks for the tour! I love the comment from the cat :-)
I love the new pots and the cats, too! Your succulents look so happy! It is January and we in Northern California have been waiting since about March for a little rain - it's crazy! At least my succulents are still alive - but they don't look like yours!
Hope all is well with you.
Lovely garden!
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