The drop in temperatures plus a couple of good storms to clear the air makes me feel peppy!
So I have attempted to be mindful of my rule for 2016 to finish my work.
Yesterday, I finished the journal page of the day Mr. M. left the hospital in Paris. I remembered how slowly he moved and the difficulty he had to eat. I am thankful for the progress he has made.
I have limited my sketching practice to errand days once or twice a week. He drives and I draw.
The small size of my sketchbook allows me to go from page to page without getting bogged down, gathering material for...well, I don't know, just gathering for the time being until I finish the Pomegranate Tree Quilt (PTQ).

This week, I stared at PTQ hanging in my living room--I had to get it vertical. I took photos. I reconsidered. I fiddled and fidgeted with it. Then I added a few more leaves.
PTQ has been around for 5 years as of November. It's time to finish. "Just
a bit longer, just a bit longer," it whispers, "I need this and I need that."
We are old friends. Ok, a few more leaves. But then I'm squaring you up and you better hang straight!
In the meantime, I worked on "He Went to Work Everyday, Then He Retired."
Or maybe I should just shorten the title to "Retiring"? In any case, I will soon be adding the third of five shirts, and what a tangle it will be.
Just trying to stayed focused and get back on track with my artwork in 2016.