
Friday, January 27, 2017

"A-Drawing-A-Day," Week 2

Week 2 was about making marks. I tried it on paper, then on fabric, using a Sharpie and permanent pens.
But of course, I had to slice into it-->

...and add some commercial fabric and some I painted with acrylics.

Then mark-making to draw an object-->

And mark making to form patterns.-->
This drawing made me realize the potential of Mr. M's ties (now collecting dust) for my series on retirement and aging. You may see them again.

Patterns I understand, however, this was a challenging way to form them--look at different marks and lines in magazines and put them together in new patterns. I'm particularly fond of the spaghetti.

Finally, a landscape using patterns made from mark-making. 
This is outside my kitchen door where lots of succulents grow.
An interesting week, despite the cold weather...