
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Unplugged, 1

Incidents like this happen elsewhere, but, this seems typical of Tunisia lately. A couple of weeks ago our internet service just stopped. Mr. M. mustered up all the patience he had and called the company. The lines were jammed, it was a long wait.

When he finally got through, he was told that we had to bring in our Wifi box to get a new one because they were upgrading the technology and increasing our gigabytes--no advance notice.

Several days later we got the new box. Still no internet and Mr. M. spent hours on the telephone over the next few days while the company worked out the kinks. 

Consequently, we spent nearly a week unplugged-- and I remembered how it was before all the technology. Without the chatter from the internet I felt more like myself.

The internet is back again, however, I am scaling back its use. The fact that we seem to be trying to make time go faster, with everything having to happen immediately (Instagram comes to mind) disturbs me. Additionally, I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of images. The interference from all the internet chatter messes with my mind and gets in the way of my own visual vocabulary.

So I will continue to blog here at Multicoloredpieces because I enjoy blogs (that mix of image and text) and the people I have met in blogland. However, I will stop Multicoloredsnippets. Multicoloredpieces will become a mix of the two. My email has changed so that I have only one email account. I'll stay on Facebook (Nadia Mamelouk), however, I'm cutting out Flickr and Pinterest and whatever else I've gotten myself into inadvertently.

In the meantime, I am wrapping up my detour into lettering, for which I made a coptic stitch book. I deeply appreciated Joanne Sharpe's classes as they helped me get through a tough year creatively, however, my own work calls now.

The back is equally colorful. 

I hope you may wrap things up for 2016 
in order to begin the new year with energy and purpose.
Wishing all a Happy Holiday Season! 


  1. Look forward to seeing where your wild needle turning takes you next!

  2. Ah yes internet interruptions are both frustrating and informative. Meanwhile paring down the chatter and the output is a lovely revelation. I just sent you a friend request on Face book and I get your blog on my dashboard already. Hope we can wrap up 2015 without too many more disasters (our election is disaster enough for several decades) and wishing you the best for the new year.

  3. How is it that we are dragged screaming and kicking down the highway of progress and then, when dumped at the roadside, have to scream and kick to get back on the wagon? I recently noticed that the only thing coming into my post box the past few months are advertisements and bills!

  4. Happy Holidays to you too! I will miss the "snippets"....

  5. Ho, ho ho ! Same to you Nadia ;-)

  6. I agree that the internet is a great time sucker - especially places like Pinterest and Instagram. I try to limit my time, but sometimes I get involved and lose track and then feel guilty. Good for you for working towards more peace in your life - and more time to create!

  7. I agree, and it is SO easy to get sucked in and lose your way. I've been trying to scale back, too. Too much is too much.

  8. good insight. I like the bottom drawing a lot. By the way, I follow your blog posts by email but don't always come over to comment. I enjoy your words and pics. I do lots of words and pics too, come visit some time. LeeAnna at Not afraid of color

    I sure hope the new year brings peace and creativity
