
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Feeling Peppy!

The drop in temperatures plus a couple of good storms to clear the air makes me feel peppy! 

So I have attempted to be mindful of my rule for 2016 to finish my work. 
Yesterday, I finished the journal page of the day Mr. M. left the hospital in Paris. I remembered how slowly he moved and the difficulty he had to eat. I am thankful for the progress he has made. 

I have limited my sketching practice to errand days once or twice a week. He drives and I draw. 

The small size of my sketchbook allows me to go from page to page without getting bogged down, gathering material for...well, I don't know, just gathering for the time being until I finish the Pomegranate Tree Quilt (PTQ).

This week, I stared at PTQ hanging in my living room--I had to get it vertical. I took photos. I reconsidered. I fiddled and fidgeted with it. Then I added a few more leaves.

PTQ has been around for 5 years as of November. It's time to finish. "Just 
a bit longer, just a bit longer," it whispers, "I need this and I need that." 

We are old friends. Ok, a few more leaves. But then I'm squaring you up and you better hang straight!

In the meantime, I worked on "He Went to Work Everyday, Then He Retired." 
Or maybe I should just shorten the title to "Retiring"? In any case, I will soon be adding the third of five shirts, and what a tangle it will be.

Just trying to stayed focused and get back on track with my artwork in 2016.


  1. I am looking and admiring your sketches.

  2. So good your dear man is getting better and better !
    So wonderful to see the shirt wings develop ;-)

    I'm amazed every times I see drawings that you make
    in the car while driving ...... (makes me nauseous
    just to THINK about drawing in a car !)

    Love to you Nadia !

  3. You are still astounding me. Your craft and skill are so obvious in every detail of everything you produce. May he continue to heal as best he can and may the weather keep delivering fresh energy to you both.

  4. Nothing like pleasure in art to keep us going. So happy for you that your husband is progressing...I can see the delight as he drives and you draw...wonderful.

  5. Things have cooled off here in Libya too but it just makes me want to curl up and take a nap! I'm glad to hear your husband is making progress... may he continue! :) :) :)

  6. Nadia, all of your work is beautiful. I always enjoy seeing what you've done, and I am always blessed by it. We've had a little taste of cooler weather here, too, and it's been heavenly. I am so ready for the extreme heat to go!

  7. Weer heerlijk genoten van je blog ,wat ben je toch creatief.
