
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Home Again, Home Again...

Jiggety-Jig. Of course, I'm delighted to be back home and Mr. M. is now on the road to recovery and breathing well. Although this was an extremely difficult six weeks, we met with kindness and caring everywhere.

My sketchbook/journal was a recycled student's paper from last year--regular typing paper, nothing precious, do-anything-you-want type of journal. The idea of incorporating memories of Tunisia into this record pleased me. In the airport, I sketched Mr. M. in his wheelchair.

In the airplane, I played with decorative lettering on the cover. 

In another sketchbook with good paper I recorded my husband's first day after surgery. Full of tubes, groggy and somewhat puffy, he had to sit in a chair most of the day to help with breathing.

They had him up and walking almost immediately and so things seemed to be going well after a week in the ICU. There was talk of transfer to a regular room.

However, there was a complication (pneumothorax) and I found him the next day sedated and once again intubated. Although I could see that the ICU staff was on top of it all and very competent, it was still a hard day. I went back to my "Aparthotel" and ate chocolate. Some days require chocolate...

Another week in the ICU and then finally Mr. M. was moved to a regular room, and miraculously, all the tubes and bandages disappeared.

And so, after another two weeks in the hospital, the big day came when a gaunt-looking Mr. M. could leave.

Once again, I would like to thank you all for your support during this difficult time. 

And I am indeed grateful to all the people at the Marie Lannelongue Hospital who worked conscientiously and with dedication to save the one I love.


  1. So good to see you back on your blog and even better to see M. looking healthy and strong!!

  2. I'm glad everything turned out OK. Happy homecoming!

  3. Hooray to the wonders of medical science & the amazing resilience of the human body & spirit

  4. So happy to see your husband up and smiling and on his feet. Your journals were a wonderful way to record the journey.
    Blessings to you and your family for a peaceful and blessed Ramadan! So happy to see you back home. :)

  5. Thank you for the update, I was starting to worry. All the best to you and Mr. M for the days to come.

  6. What a wonderful update! Best wishes to you Mr. M, hope this episode recedes quickly into the rear view mirror.

  7. What a wonderful thing to be home! So happy that the surgery was a success and that Mr. M. is doing so well. That smile says it all!

  8. I'm so glad Mr. M is well again and you're home!! Hugs.

  9. So happy for you and your family, Nadia! There is truly no place like home. It's always good to get back to at least a semblance of normal.

  10. I am just thrilled that all is well and you both are moving forward. I have been visiting, but not leaving any comments. Honey Luv is still going through dementia and my time is limited; but just had to let you know I have not forgotten you. xoxo

  11. How delightful to see you both looking so well, M in pictures and you with your pen. A great encouragement! I hope that your homecoming is filled with much joy. I'm so glad to hear of the hospitality you received on the journey. [Isn't it interesting that hospitality is related to hospital? ;-)]

  12. Welcome home! So pleased to hear that all is well and your hubby is on the mend. Now you can eat chocolate together:-) Lynne xx.

  13. Dear Nadia, you two have been through so much. Thankful to know the hospital chapter is over. much love to all, Janet

  14. Oh my dear Nadia (and Man) what a wonderful post !!!

    Happy times to you !!!!!!!

  15. the journaling is are gifted.

    and the smiling so tender, this story of Life

    i wish Goodness for all the days to come.
