
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Maze Books Amaze Me

Yes, maze books amaze me. They are easy to make from a sheet of paper and to finish so I always carry a tiny one (3 1/2" x 2 1/2") with me. As the weather turns cooler (ok, ok, "cooler" = 60°s and 70°s; be envious if you are living in cold climes...), this July/August maze book brings back pleasant summer memories.

The cover reminds me of all the airports I went through and also of where to open this magical book.
The first on-board drink... 

A wedding in Oregon meant a beautiful ceremony in Washington Park.

A tasty breakfast at the Sassy Onion Grill preceded sketching with a friend in the Hallie Ford Museum.

And then there was a lovely lunch with my sister on the San Francisco dwarf (ha, ha--great typo! wharf, of course!). We both sketched the "Hornblower" while waiting for the food to arrive.

At the end of the trip, my daughter brought me breakfast in bed.

Unfolded, the maze book (also called a "meander book") reveals its simple construction.

It contains about 30 pages, of which I sketched fifteen double layouts. So magical!

If you should want to make a maze/meander book, just check youtube for instructions...and have fun!