
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sitting in a Sidewalk Café in Tunis

It was a warm day so we met a friend in Tunis and sat in one of the sidewalk cafés on the main avenue where one finds a mixed crowd, both women and men clients. 

I whipped out my small journal and sketched for awhile.
I discreetly focused on a young man with his telephone, who was surrounded by numerous other young men doing the same thing. Sign of the times. 

Most cafés in Tunisia are male domaines. No woman in her right mind would go in. They are not particularly clean and are often filled with the unemployed. We jokingly call them Tunisia's "centres culturels." It would appear that it is the women who are out working and holding things together as best they can since the Revolution. 

A lot of wasted manpower there. 
What if they spent just a couple of hours a day picking up garbage? 

Tunisia is still on a slippery slope...