
Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Cat IS the Hat

A kitten found by a dumpster came to live with us a couple of months ago. Named Biscuit Bandit, but, shortened to Bibi, he seems to be hitting adolescence: he still likes to play, but sometimes he's sassy. And he always wants to be in the control tower.

We haven't had a house cat in a long time. Don't know how long he'll be around as we keep only real cats (not "fixed") who eventually go over the walls to party after the day job of catching mice. We will enjoy him for the time being and not worry about the future.

I am always delighted when I manage to catch moments like this. Digital technology fills me with wonder and gives me a sense of luxury. The abundance of imagery is magical. I usually don't like to draw or stitch from photos, but I may have to make an exception. The idea of the cat hat tickles my imagination. 


  1. Aw, he's such a beauty. Enjoy him while you can. Of course, you know the right thing to do is to take him in and get him fixed, whether he stays with you or not. Just saying.

  2. I look forward to seeing cat/hat art!

  3. Fabulous pic, nadia! LOVE It! We have just returned from TN . Went to see our new Grandson born 😍

  4. Ha ! Old Man Crow wrote this verse for the Letter T in An illuminated book of Cats

    Talk to your cat
    he won't answer back
    whether it's politics or sport
    he'll give it some thought
    and then sit on your head like a hat

    you can read it online here

  5. Oh dear Nadia - you've given him a name! I always thought that meant he was with you to stay!!

  6. Oh, please have him neutered and let your home be his forever home.

    Soon, maybe, a photo of BiBi relining on one of your sewing projects.


  7. Oh yes please do so, make anything you want, we'd just be so happy to see what you come up with, really!

    Great catch camerawoman!

  8. That cat is too cute! I've never seen one willing to ride around on someone's head, but - each cat is different. We had a male feral cat outside here for several months and I got way too attached to him. Then one day he was just gone, never to be seen again. It's a tough life out there for them.

  9. cute- "control tower" - my hubby would LOVE that title! I, too, am looking forward to see the quilt!

  10. Great shot! Hope you can keep him....

  11. Such a cute picture! Hope you get to keep him.
