
Friday, January 17, 2014

The Moooo-stash: A True Story

During Grandma's Summer Bootcamp, birthdays were celebrated and one of the favorite presents that GD2 (second granddaughter) and her sister received was body paint in the form of washable markers. 

Squeals of joy and peals of laughter rang out while the kids painted the faces of all those present. Best gift ever...
      Then GD2 returned to the States and began First Grade. As she could already read a newspaper, and as she is caring about her friends and classmates, she likes to help. Her idea of helping: When the teacher says in her southern accent "Now Ry-aan, hoooow do yeeooou spe-ell 'chaaaaaa-ir'"? (multiple vowels are added to every word, making conversations long and drawn out in that part of the US), GD2 hops out of her chair, runs over to Ryan and whispers in his ear "c-h-a-i-r", then skips back to her chair. Very helpful. The teacher confessed--with some frustration--to GD2's mother that this child reads and spells better than she does. 
     One day, recently, the teacher told the class that they could do anything they wanted to with their markers for fifteen minutes. The key word here is anything (do you see where this is going?). The teacher circulated among the desks and suddenly screeched out, "Wha-at ha-ave yee-ooou do-one!??" Well, GD2 had persuaded her friend that they should draw a large, colorful mustache on each other, right where a mustache belongs. "We did a moooo-stash" (GD2 likes the French pronunciation). OUTRAGE and HORROR on the teacher's face...
     So off to the principal's office they were sent, two little girls with big moooo-stashes. The other little girl started crying, but GD2 kept repeating to herself "I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry" (lesson learned from Grandma who refuses to cry). But, she later confessed that her heart was pounding. 
       The principal, who knows GD2 well because GD2 gives big hugs to just about everybody, confessed that this was the most difficult moment of her professional career, to keep a straight face when she saw these two little girls coming into her office with their mustaches. She admonished them, "Now, I'm not angry with you, but, I AM disappointed" (severe expression). Overwhelmed, the other little girl pointed to GD2 and wept hysterically, "It's all her fault, it was her idea!" The principal, being wise, said "You shouldn't do something that someone tells you to do if you think it is wrong."
      At this point, GD2 turned to her friend and said in self-righteous anger, "Yeah, you shouldn't do what I say if you think it's wrong!" (You can see why the principal was nearly in stitches...). And back they went to class.
      The story does not end here. Once GD2 sat down at her desk, the teacher handed her (with a stern look) a note to give to her mother. GD2 read it, hopped out of her chair, went over to the teacher's desk, handed the note back, and said matter-of-factly, "You made a spelling mistake." 


GD2 had one joke that she liked to tell at summer bootcamp: 
What does a cow do on the weekend? 
Answer: She goes to the mooooooooo-vies.

Here's a new joke:
What does a cow have under her nose?
Answer: She has a mooooooooo-stash.
Of course!

Linked to Nina Marie's "Off the Wall Friday."


  1. Great story :-) This little girl will go far.

  2. YOu had me in stitches! lol! Hugs! deb

  3. Haaaaaaa! Wish we had pictures of the girls and their "moostaches"!!

  4. Funny! What a great story. And could you be just a little bit proud? LOL I would be!

  5. Oh GOD.. lovely post.. so sweet.. and the cake makes my mouth watery!! haha.

  6. May I borrow this child? I live in the mid-south and have most of my life. I grew up with an Irish Grandmother and still have difficulties understanding the "Southren" speech!

  7. Wonderful story! And how about that fabulous birthday cake!

  8. Thank you for giving us a wonderful dose of laughter!

  9. You must be so proud of such a delightful, confident young lady.

  10. love a good laugh and certainly love that cake!!

  11. Beautiful cake! Love it! I've enjoyed catching up with your blog!

  12. Hilarious! Aren't kids the best? :D

  13. I´m still giggling. You must be a very proud grandmother. I enjoy it from both sides as grandmother and former principal. I´m sure I could not prevent myself from laughing in this situation.

  14. What an absolutely great little story. This GD2 is fantastic - You must keep all these stories for later times.
