
Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Enigma: Pink-Red Minimal

Pink-Red Minimal doesn't talk to me much even though we've been friends for 15 years, which makes it an enigma. Because of its silence, I'm not sure where it's headed. MoCrow felt synchronicity swirling around her work with the combination of circles and the color red at her blog. I like the magic of synchronicity--she inspired me to pull out Pink-Red Minimal and dust it off. It originally began as this:

This was inspired by a small publicity graphic in a magazine. I liked the shape and colors...

The back looks interesting. I pieced it together with several layers of newsprint as a foundation, so bits of newsprint remain. I always thought I would add batting and a back, however, now I hesitate.

Can Pink-Red Minimal remain minimal? I'm not sure because it invited me to do reverse appliqué on it. It contains several studies: 1) Circles with layers. 

2) Free form elements.

3) Bean-shaped forms (for lack of a better name). 
This is all the reverse appliqué I've done to date (took forever). As it measures about 4 1/2 feet tall, I might finish in another ten years if it will kindly raise its voice above a whisper. Too many other pieces yell at me regularly for attention--a cacophony fills my studio. Pink-Red Minimal sits patiently on the quilt rack.

My granddaughters got caught up in making valentines yesterday, so with a remarkable stroke of memory, I have remembered Valentine's Day. Flower and candy shops in Tunis try to drum up some business for Valentine's Day, but it feels artificial as it is not part of the culture. I usually forget and I don't intend to remember next year, however, today I will make Pink-Red Minimal my Valentine, just because of its wild colors. I will stitch on it lovingly and see if it will whisper to me. 

Ok, ok, my husband already knows he's at the top of the list 
and I can't stitch on him. 
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. WOW SIMPLY WOW I would LOVE to get my hands on that :) Stunning as is, and i'd say just some hand stitch to delineate and accent, but not enough to become the focus--such a strong piece!!

  2. I like what you're doing with this.

  3. It is talking to you, it's telling you to take your time and enjoy its magnificence. Red/Pink are like that.

    I like what you've done with it so far. It will be interesting to see what happens.

    And yes, my projects talk to me, too.

  4. What a bold piece, and how bold you are for beginning to reconstruct it. Happy day to you, V Day or whatever. Hope the political scene has quieted down a bit. Best always.

  5. Oh my! that's so bold, there's a Rothko-esque glowing in those strong colours! It's demanding to be taken very slowly & if it takes another 10 years so be it, y'know this one may well be your master(or should I say mistress) piece! Thank you for sharing and I hope to see it finished in this lifeftime!

  6. I actually really like those colors - so striking a pretty. Wonderful job.

  7. It's a very striking piece!!! It will talk to you quietly over time......

  8. A delightful piece, so full of energy. Take as much of your time with it as you need. Just like fine wine, some creations need time to develop their full potential.

  9. I love the little beans in the corner. It is a very dramatic piece and as Arlee said, some stitching!

  10. Sewing with that beauty is a wonderful way to spend Valentines Day.

  11. It amazes me how some surface decoration can change a work and give so much character. Although time consuming, it seems to me that you are bound to another masterpiece.

  12. Gorgeous ... I love the reverse appliqué (something I know nothing about) ... very striking designs ! Take your time ... she's waited this long !

  13. I know they are slow going but I love the beans....jelly beans? Red kidney beans? All of the above? None of the above?

  14. Your work is beautiful, and I can see why it is slow going! What a magnificent piece!

  15. Is it quilted yet? The quilting may add what you want. I love the large shapes! Art is done when you like it....

  16. The colours are just wonderful !! Will be fun what you come up with - I hope I'll see it again on your blog ;-))

  17. I don't think there are many things you can't make it work! I think whatever you touch it would turn to gold, I believed that. This piece is inviting and keeping you away at the same time. Enjoy it - Hugs Nat

  18. c'est très prometteur, j'ai hâte de voir la suite. Mais j'ai le temps d'attendre.

  19. Your Red Pink Minimal looks super neat, artsy and creative. It must be speaking to you very slowly or it's just so pleased and content with the way it is.
