
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Early Birthday Presents

For some reason the National Tunisian Artisans’ Fair occurred at an earlier date this year, so I went to pick out my presents well ahead of my official birthday. This time I went with a friend who has more stamina for shopping than my husband. If you didn’t catch a view of last year’s presents, here they are today:
With such a wet winter I’m surprised the cactus and succulents haven’t keeled over, but they seem to be flourishing.
I planned to seek out similar pots from the same artisan, but was disappointed to find he had nearly doubled his prices and the quality of the designs had gone downhill. Nothing appealed to me. Drat! I should have bought him out last year! He did display several very large pots with lovely designs priced at $300. In my mind, such an object becomes a responsibility and I wouldn’t dare put it in the garden.
          However, numerous talented artists and artisans showed tantalizing wares, beautifully crafted objects in olive wood, tin, copper, silver, mosaic, wrought iron, and textiles. Once again, I looked for the perfect gift in an effort to avoid adding to the multiplying “stuff” at home. Like last year, my birthday present awaited me in the last booth that I visited. And once again a plant container caught my attention.
                           There were several styles of Tunisian vests. 
      This container stands 11”/28 cm high and the back is decorated as well.
Once I set it on a table in the living room, I forgot about planting it. The sculptural aspect is pronounced and appealing. At a cost of $18, I didn’t even bother to bargain.
               Then there was a series of shoe and feet planters on another shelf.
           My apologies if you should find this a bit ghoulish. I found it delightful!
                           The ankle bracelet is a traditional piece of jewelry.
            And this foot even has the designs that are usually done with henna. 
                          It goes well with the shoe-shaped rocks on the table.
                         Do you think my plant will walk away now?

And this brings me to another birthday present: a plane ticket to the States. This is the last year that I leave my garden in springtime, however, I’m looking forward to seeing family and friends, including blogging friends. Here’s my tentative itinerary:

End of March-April 17th, Knoxville, Tennessee, where I hope to visit the Smoky Mountain Quilt Guild. Maybe I’ll wear my bathrobe!
April 18th-22, Lexington, Kentucky.
April 23rd-to beginning of May, Portland and Salem, OR.
Possibly, I’ll swing by Seattle and/or the San Francisco Area. Still not sure.

So, if any fellow bloggers/artists/quilters/crafters in those areas would like to get together for a cup of coffee, send me an email at and we’ll see what can be arranged.

Of course, I’ll keep posting. And next year, I'll take my camera to the Artisans' Fair to write about it properly.


  1. My dear Nadia,your foot planter is just smart & the waist styled is also unique :) love it...
    I hope your juorny will be safe & happy!
    I m not in US but I hope you will find any friend there ;)
    lots of Love ~


  2. Happy Birthday. love all those planters. I like the back of the vest better than the front, but then I'm a sucker for hands of Fatima. And ooh, those feets is awesome! Bon Voyage!

  3. Happy Birthday! Just love those pots where the cactus lives and the Tunisian vest is a remarkable piece of work!! Not so sure about the feet LOL! Hope you have a safe and wonderful trip!!!!!

  4. that foot planter is just the best.

  5. Happy Birthday! You have a wonderful knack for choosing the most beautiful birthday presents -- these are nothing short of exquisite. The vest could take your breath away -- such detail. I wish I lived closer to your destination places -- I'd love to meet you for a cup of tea. Do enjoy your trip!


  6. Have a great Birthday Nadia. I love your garden spots and tid bits of life. Safe journey with lots of joy to you!

  7. That vest planter is amazing! Such wonderful detail, no wonder it didn't make it to the garden.

  8. Oh my gosh, the vest is absolutely amazing - what a find. The feet are so whimsical especially with plants growing from them! Your trip sounds like great fun. Wish I was going to be in Seattle during that time, I would definitely want to get a little visit with you in person! xxoo, sus

  9. What a fabulous post. Love seeing these, and especially love the vest and foot pots. Wish you well on your trip stateside, and sorry we won't get to meet then.

  10. I like your "left foot" ! Enjoy your trip!

  11. What nifty birthday gifts you found for yourself. Have fun on your trip. If you were coming to Houston, I'd sure take you up on the coffee!

  12. Happy birthday, Nadiai! This is really great stuff. Love the vests! Enjoy.

  13. Never seen anything like those planters befor. Love the vest best wish I could find some over here in France.

  14. Wonderful planters! Happy Birthday! Should you make it further south to the Los Angeles area it would be lovely to meet. Otherwise enjoy your travels....

  15. Too strange to know you were so relatively close by just recently (not close enough for coffee!) That exact time last year I was in Lexington for a night on the way to a vacation week in Ashville, NC and Greenville, SC. If a visit ever brings you through Chicago, be sure to let me know! In another 2 to 3 years I expect to be moving to Portland for retirement.

  16. Hi all,
    There are something really unique gifts ideas and especially love the vest and foot pots this is really great stuff.

    Thanks for sharing with us.
